Children (Birth-5th Grade)
At Horizon, we understand the importance of children; both to you and to God. Because of this, it is our desire that the children of Horizon begin to develop a deeply rooted confidence in the nature and character of God. We believe this is important because we want children to learn very early on that they can trust God. Our desire is to partner with parents in the discipleship of their children by providing environments, curriculum and resources that center on the gospel and pay close attention to the nature and character of God.
Sonbeams (Birth-4 years)
At Horizon Baptist Church, Sonbeams is a place where children can learn about God and all of His promises to us. Sonbeams is a safe and secure environment where faithful and loving adults care for them.

Babies can learn and sense God’s love
We want our children to come not just to the “nursery,” but also to a place of fun, safety, and biblical learning where they experience God’s Word in a relevant and meaningful way.
Our Commitment:
- Security with controlled access.
- Caring teachers and leaders.
- Quality curriculum
- Bible truth learning opportunities through play, music, storytelling and art
Kid’s Connection (Pre. K.-5th grade)
Kid’s Connection is a great place for kids at Horizon Baptist Church! From the music, to the games, to the leaders who serve the children and families, kids know that Kid’s Connection is for them.

Helping children build relationships with Jesus Christ and with each other
Kid’s Connection is a worship and learning environment that begins at 10:30 a.m. every Sunday morning. On Sundays, children worship together with their parents in “big church” and then move to the Kid’s Connection. There they will learn God’s Word on their level with committed leaders who provide safe, fun, and developmentally appropriate activities and lessons
Kid’s Connection is not only a great place for kids, but it’s a wonderful opportunity for youth and adults to serve. If you would like to help with the Children’s Ministry, either serving directly with the children or behind the scenes, contact us (e-mail: Kristi Felty) or call the church office at 512.260.0515 to inquire about the application process.