Gospel-Centered Community

The Bible reveals to us that we worship the triune God. He has eternally existed as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This means that God is primarily communal. The community of the Godhead is a community of continual perfection in harmony, unity, joy, and love. Because we bear in our creation the image of God, mankind is called to reflect this community with each other.

Shared Relationships

Though each Christian has a personal relationship with God, that relationship was not meant to be individual or private. The Christian faith was never intended to be practiced in isolation. We were made for community – relationship with God and with each other. The local church is not merely a place that we attend on Sunday. The local church is a people to whom we belong and commit our lives to. The Bible calls us members of the body (1 Corinthians 12:12-31) with the expectation that we contribute to the body for the glory of God and the good of His people.

Love, Care, Consistency, and Authenticity

Gospel-centered community is a radical call amid a culture of independence and casual involvement. It involves mutual love, care, consistency and authenticity as we seek to glorify the person and work of Jesus Christ with our lives. Where these characteristics are lacking, we have moved away from gospel-centered community and into the realm of social clubs.
Gospel-centered community is expressed through all we do. From our Growth Groups to gathering faithfully together to worship each Sunday, gospel centered community is a natural part of all we do and who we are.